Oct. 6, 2023

Episode 004 | Here's Why The Cost Of Nutrigenomic Testing Is Worth It

Episode 004 | Here's Why The Cost Of Nutrigenomic Testing Is Worth It

Have you ever struggled to lose weight and keep it off for good?

If you’ve tried every diet out there and still can’t seem to win the battle of the bulge, you may be making a crucial mistake but don’t worry! It’s not you - it's your genes!

And it’s not just your weight loss journey that may be impacted. You can discover through nutrigenomic testing how your unique genetic makeup influences not only your weight loss but your overall health. By understanding your body on a cellular level, you’ll get a tailored plan to help you finally achieve your goals for good!


  • How the personalized solutions based on your DNA that nutrigenomic testing provides are priceless.
  • Why the fad diets, trendy gym memberships, and costly meal replacement shakes aren’t working for you.
  • How to curb cravings, feel satiated, and boost your metabolism through nutrition tailored to you and your body on a cellular level.

Join our Optimizing Health with Nutrigenomics Masterclass and Take the First Step to Improving Patient Outcomes Today!

Join our Masterclass: Optimizing Health with Nutrigenomics

Join our Masterclass: Optimizing Health with Nutrigenomics

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Want to successfully launch your nutrigenomic services? Join our Masterclass: Optimizing Health with Nutrigenomics


Instagram: @raiserthescript or @drtamarlawful


Website: https://www.raisethescript.com/


Do you feel stuck in an endless cycle of trial and error with your health? Are you exhausted, gaining weight, and just don't feel like yourself? I've been there. A few years ago, I was juggling life as a new mom and community volunteer with little time for myself. My usual intense workouts weren't working and I felt completely burned out.

In this episode, I share my personal journey using Nutrigenomics to transform my health. You'll learn how genetic testing can be a game changer by providing personalized solutions based on your DNA. No more guessing games. No more fad diets. You'll get clarity and a customized roadmap to navigate past your obstacles.

Are you ready to stop settling for one size fit all answers? Do you want to add life to your years and not just years to your life? Then join me for this enlightening conversation. Let me be your guiding light to balance living and redefined health. The power to change your life is within you. Now is the time to embrace it.

Welcome to Pivoting Pharmacy with Nutrigenomics, part of the Pharmacy Podcast Network. A must have resource for pharmacist entrepreneurs seeking to enhance patient care while enjoying career and life. Join us as we pivot into Nutrigenomics, fusing pharmacy and nutrition for true patient focused care.

Explore how to improve chronic conditions rather than just manage them. Celebrate entrepreneurial triumphs and receive priceless advice. Align your values with a career that profoundly impacts patients. Together, we'll raise the script on health and pivot into a brighter future.

A few years back, I was genuinely at a crossroads in my own health journey. I was working full time, a new mom, an active volunteer in my community, and serving on the board of three nonprofit organizations. I had minimal time for myself. So I was dealing with exhaustion, dodgy sleep patterns, weight gain, always wanting to eat and a general sense of not feeling 100%.

And my usual method of snapping into shape didn't work. Those high intensity bootcamp workouts were no longer working. So I went on a hunt to find a way to get my health on track. I eventually discovered the world of Nutrigenomic testing. At first, I reacted much like you might be doing right now.

Neutral what? Along with some skepticism, a little apprehension, and yeah, concern about the price tag. But that step to open the door, lean into the mystery and connect with the unique genetic blueprint within me proved to be the turning point. Not only did I discover how my body specifically reacts to certain foods and lifestyle factors, why it had been difficult for me to lose weight and why I was always wanting to eat more and more, but it gave me the power to lay the foundation of a targeted, effective and sustainable health plan for myself and eventually others.

Today, as we delve into this topic, I'm going to share my personal health journey and hope that my story can act as your guiding compass, a warm affirmation that you're not alone. So, let's gear up to understand how nutrigenomic testing can be the game changer for you. After all, they say health is wealth, but I say understanding your personal health through nutrigenomics is like discovering an unclaimed inheritance.

Yes, Nutrigenomic testing is an investment. The test alone can cost 150 to 400 dollars. And if you consult with a specialist to review your results and provide guidance and direction. The cost of your investment can be in the thousands. Depending on how robust the service is, but you shouldn't get too hung up on the cause.

It's understandable though. We all want the best bang for our buck, but you have to realize the wealth of information received and the impact it can make on your life. I think there's a deep seated belief that if it's not covered by insurance, or if it's not a traditional medical practice, then it's not worth the investment.

But, you know, this kind of thinking can really hold you back from discovering life changing information and you, my friend, are worth the investment. Yes. I'm talking to you. The 1 who believes that if something is not covered by insurance, it doesn't fall within the traditional scope of medical practice.

It lacks the value. Your well being deserves, but I've got news for you. One that's rooted in the truth of what it means to truly care for oneself in the present age. Now, allow me to create a picture in your mind. Imagine still holding on to that belief and refusing to explore alternatives, such as nutrigenomics or personal nutrition plans.

Picture yourself continually seeking short term fixes. And feeling stuck in a never ending cycle of band aid solutions. So you're trying this fad diet to another fad diet, or you're trying this supplement to lose weight, or that supplement to use weight, or this shot, or that shot, these short term fixes.

But you're still feeling stuck in this never ending cycle because they are  band-aid solutions and every night you find yourself wrestling with exhaustion and stress that seem to tighten their grip even more on the future you dreamed of. Right? You see, the way of thinking that same belief system that you're holding on to could not only keep you from discovering valuable life changing information, but also cause you to procrastinate on the necessary actions to enhance your health.

And as each day swiftly passes by, your health continues to navigate down a path that isn't conducive for your highest good. The consequence, I'll tell you straight, they don't paint a pretty picture. It's like standing by a silent stream, watching the water slowly erode the soft banks, hoping the landscape will remain untouched, except in this case.

You cannot simply hope away the gradual erosion of your wellness and vitality because of uninformed choices. But here is a beautiful part about life. It's never too late to change. It's never too late to challenge old beliefs, explore novel approaches to health care and invest time and resources into understanding your body better.

In doing so, you can start a journey towards redefined health, empowering yourself to make informed decisions that can transform your life beyond what you ever thought possible. Switching gears to think about the long term benefits of Nutrigenomic testing will give you the keys to unlock personalized healthcare solutions.

It's different because you're no longer relying on one-size fits all approach. You're understanding the why before you dive into the how. It's like having a personalized road map to navigate your way out of those daunting obstacles. By understanding your genetic profile, which gives insight into how your body responds to different foods, nutrients and lifestyle factors,  you get a tailored wellness plan that delivers results when you follow it. No more trial and error. No more guessing games. You are in control when you prioritize self care, set boundaries and balance your life with holistic practices, like proper nutrition and sleep. The once looming giants of burnout, exhaustion and stress begin to shrink before your eyes. A revitalized version of yourself emerges one that feels seen and understood by your new health care investment.

Imagine bid goodbye to over reliance on medications and forget the frustration of worrying about side effects. Instead, you hold the keys to unlock the doors of personalized, meaningful and lasting solutions to your health concerns. Now, as promised, I'm going to share my personal health journey and experience with nutrigenomics with you.

We're going to take it about 6 years back when I was 37 and I wanted to have a child. I was overweight, though I was tired and I couldn't imagine having a little 1 around. I mean, where would I get the energy from? So I decided to get healthy and I joined a boot camp with a newfound dedication. I stuck to a strict nutrition plan of high protein, low carbs, no fats and no sugars.

Yep. I did it. I did it for three months. In three months, guess what? I lost 40 pounds. In 3 months! Crazy, right? I was able to maintain my new weight, though, until I became pregnant. 6 months later, I rapidly gained weight during my pregnancy and after giving birth to a beautiful and healthy little human, everything changed.

You see, I gained 60 pounds in my pregnancy and struggled to drop that weight. I went back to what worked before - boot camp, high intensity interval training, only to feel defeated and frustrated because I wasn't getting the results like before the weight wasn't coming off. And you know what? I was even more tired and I was still overweight.

And I had a ravenous appetite and I just felt blah every day. So, in a search to learn about my health on a deeper level, I turned my focus to nutrition with the aid of nutrigenomic testing. And I discovered a lot. I'm going to share 1 gene from my nutrigenomics test that gave me an aha moment and so much clarity.

So, I carried a variant of the so-called fat mass and obesity associated gene or F. T. O. gene. This gene is known to impact your predisposition to gain weight and be drawn to high calorie foods. Go figure. Right? Research also shows that those carrying this variant may feel less satiated or satisfied after meals.

So they'll eat more for me. This discovery was an aha moment for the first time. I understood that a large part of my struggle with weight for most of my life. It wasn't just after my pregnancy. I struggled with my weight all my life. It was a result of my genes. My genetic makeup, but here's where this gets exciting.

You see, knowing about the FTO gene variant was only the start of my journey. My nutrigenomics report considered other genetic factors related to weight loss, appetite and fat composition, and it gave me a personalized nutrition and lifestyle plan that took into account my genetic predispositions. So I began incorporating more proteins, low glycemic foods and healthy fats into my diet foods like vegetables, blueberries, nuts that I was not allergic to because I have a lot of allergies.

But there's some nuts that I could have… I could actually have that were healthy and beneficial. Avocados, olive and coconut oil. These kept me feeling fuller for longer. I even got creative in the kitchen, which is not my forte guys, and I discovered an array of flavors and ingredients that not only satisfied my palate, but also respected my genetic instructions.

So, with careful planning. I started enjoying smaller, frequent meals to curb the feeling of hunger that the FTO gene triggered and stuck to a regular exercise regimen, which included less high intensity workouts and more walks and resistance training per my genetic blueprint because those high intensity interval training workouts I had been doing 5 to 6 days a week were actually working against my ability to lose weight and I only learned that through my nutrigenomics report. 

My journey wasn't always smooth. There were hiccups along the way, days when the old patterns threatened to surface when I wanted to eat a whole pizza, I couldn't just have 2 slices, but each time I remembered my newfound knowledge of my body's unique needs and gently guided myself back to my customized plan.

My experience taught me the transformative power of genetic understanding. It's a call to celebrate our individuality, to understand our bodies, and to steer away from the one size fits all approach. And remember, you have every right, every power, to make these transformative decisions for your health.

Embrace them, for in doing so, you're not just adding years to your life, but more importantly, life to your years. Be bold, be brave, and be the champion of your health, because you, my friend, are worth every bit of the investment. 

That is all I have to share with you today. Thank you for joining me. And if you want to connect with me personally, hang out with me on Instagram and LinkedIn and also ] TikTok.

You can find me at Dr. Tamar Lawful. Drop me a message and share your thoughts about a major obstacle you are facing on your health journey. Today, you've learned that an investment in nutrigenomic testing is about uncovering the root cause of your health concerns, understanding on a genetic level, the nutrition and lifestyle factors that play a crucial role in the overall well, being and that's why I sincerely from the bottom of my heart want to extend to you a warm and welcoming invitation to sign up for our genetic blueprint wellness service.

Here is your chance, your opportunity to cast aside the lingering doubts and uncertainties and step into a brighter, healthier future. Together with the guidance of our experienced pharmacists and personalized Nutrigenomic testing, we can address your unique needs and pain points and guide you through your customized genetic blueprint that will empower you with the confidence and support required to achieve your health goals.

So, take the 1st step, reach out and connect with us today. Visit our patient site at www.thelyfebalance.com, that's www. l y f e balance. com, and allow yourself to embark on a life changing journey tailored just for you. Remember, you've got the power within you to transform your wellness and redefine your life.

Let us be your guiding light. Your confidant and your support system and navigating the intricate path of nutrigenomics, nutrition and balanced living. And with that, dear friend. I want to thank you for joining me on this enlightening episode. I look forward to seeing you on the path to wellness and wholeness.

And until next time, stay strong, stay inspired and always love yourself. 1st, every day. Don't forget to subscribe, share, and leave a review on this episode. Your honest feedback helps this conversation reach and influence others like you. Coming up next week on the show to all my fellow pharmacists and everyone's driving for a more holistic and dynamic perspective in health care.

This one is specifically designed for you to mark your calendars for. You won't want to miss out next week. We will be delving into the 3 reasons pharmacists are pivoting out of traditional pharmacy. Intriguing, isn't it? It's an exploration into the heart of our ever evolving profession, discerning the unique reasons that push us to step out of the conventional and into the trailblazing path, radiating richer patient care and personal fulfillment until next time stay wonderful, stay passionate and most importantly, believe in a powerful change maker within you.

So join me next week. Always remember, in your journey as a healthcare professional, always raise the script on health, because together, we can bring healthcare to higher levels.